home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ; $VER: BBBS.NComm.script 4.1 (8.8.95)
- ; BBBS NComm Script for THOR
- ; By Eivind Nordseth, Ultima Thule Software
- set $fixtimeout = ""
- set $rengrab = ""
- set $doctrlx = "FALSE"
- set $done = "FALSE"
- cli $THORPath"bin/ScriptServ \""$BBSName"\" WRITECFG EV 7 EV 8 EV 11 EV 12"
- if exists "t:NoLogOut" then cli "delete >nil: t:NoLogOut"
- if exists "t:DoLogOut" then cli "delete >nil: t:DoLogOut"
- varfile "t:"$BBSName".CONFIG"
- readvar $CfgVer
- readvar $BBSID
- readvar $BBSType
- readvar $Path
- readvar $PostConf
- readvar $UpLoadDir
- readvar $UserName
- readvar $UserStreet
- readvar $UserAddress
- readvar $UserCountry
- readvar $UserPhone
- readvar $NewFiles
- readvar $AutoPDnl
- readvar $AutoLogoff
- readvar $UseColors
- readvar $AnsiMenues
- readvar $Bulletins
- readvar $ReplyPacket
- varfile close
- if !$CfgVer == "4" then message "Incompatible version of ScriptServ"
- if !$CfgVer == "4" then goto AllDone
- if $ReplyPacket == "" then set $ReplyPacket = $BBSID".REP"
- cli "delete >nil: \"t:"$BBSName".CONFIG\""
- set $LogFile = $Path"ScriptMsg.txt"
- when "\r\nNO CARRIER\r\n" goto AllDone
- autoxfer off ; Turn off G&R commands
- autoup off ; Turn off Zmodem autoupload
- autodown on ; Turn on Zmodem autodownload
- menuselect TRANSLATE 1 8 ; Use IBN character set
- set $charset = "IBN" ; Use IBN character set
- converse "FIRST name?" $UserName" Q\n"
- converse "will echo):" "\p\n"
- when "--more--" send "C"
- when "Trykk <enter>" send "\n"
- set $docmd = "CHAT N U L 0 MF 50 S IBN\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- dwhen "Trykk <enter>"
- wait "Command"
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- if !exists "t:"$BBSName".EVENTS" then goto afterEvents
- varfile "t:"$BBSName".EVENTS"
- eventLoop:
- set $done = "FALSE"
- readvar $eventnr
- readvar $event
- if $eventnr == "EOF" then goto evLoopEnd
- if $event == "EOF" then goto evLoopEnd
- if $event == "7" then gosub ConfigureBBS
- if $event == "8" then gosub SendUserInfo
- if $event == "11" then gosub CommandEvent
- if $event == "12" then gosub AutoLogOff
- if $done == "TRUE" then cli "run >nil: "$THORPath"bin/ScriptServ \""$BBSName"\" DONE "$eventnr
- if !$done == "TRUE" then cli "run >nil: "$THORPath"bin/ScriptServ \""$BBSName"\" ERROR "$eventnr
- goto eventLoop
- evLoopEnd:
- varfile close
- afterEvents:
- ;***************** Set correct grab format
- set $docmd = "U GF H\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- ;***************** Send reply packet
- if !exists $UpLoadDir$ReplyPacket then goto AfterReplyPacket
- set $docmd = "Q MU\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- set $reperr = "FALSE"
- when "Hippo fatal error:" set $reperr = "TRUE"
- wait "Starting ZModem"
- upload $UpLoadDir$ReplyPacket,Z
- gosub NoTimeout
- capture $Path"HIPPOMsg.txt"
- wait "Main Command"
- capture off
- dlwhen
- if $reperr == "TRUE" then goto RepFileFail
- cli "delete >nil: "$UpLoadDir$ReplyPacket
- cli "delete >nil: "$Path"HIPPOMsg.txt"
- cli "run >nil: "$THORPath"bin/ScriptServ \""$BBSName"\" PACKAGEDONE"
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- goto AfterReplyPacket
- RepFileFail:
- set $appendsource = $Path"HIPPOMsg.txt"
- set $appenddest = $LogFile
- gosub AppendFile
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- AfterReplyPacket:
- ;***************** Grab messages
- set $rengrab = "y"
- set $docmd = "R DUMP ALL\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- when "<0>" goto grabd
- converse "Command" "SE\n"
- gosub NoTimeout
- set $rengrab = "y"
- grabd:
- dlwhen
- ;***************** Ready for logout
- if exists "t:DoLogOut" then goto DoLogOut
- if $AutoLogoff == "n" then goto NoLogOut
- if exists "t:NoLogOut" then goto NoLogOut
- DoLogOut:
- set $docmd = "CHAT A U L 30 MF 0\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- set $docmd = "G Y N Y\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- when "\r\nNO CARRIER\r\n" goto Hanged
- delay 2
- repeat
- hangup
- delay 2
- until !CARRIER
- Hanged:
- dlwhen
- goto AllDone
- NoLogOut:
- set $docmd = "CHAT A U L 30 MF 0 W R\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- dwhens
- timeout 0
- AllDone:
- request on
- end
- Hung:
- beep
- message "\nI think the board has hung."
- message "\nTurn off this script within 20 seconds to stop me from logging out !!"
- delay 20
- beep
- message "\nWARNING: Logout in progress.\n"
- hangup
- goto AllDone
- SysOp:
- send "Sorry, you are trying to chat with a script.\n"
- send "Please put me back to the BBS at once.\n"
- set $Timeouts = "0"
- wait "SYSOP is going offline!"
- set $Timeouts = "0"
- return
- ;************************************************
- DoCommand:
- if $doctrlx == "TRUE" then send "^Z"
- converse "Command" $docmd
- if !$rengrab == "" then gosub RenameGrab
- if !$fixtimeout == "" then gosub SetupTimeout
- set $doctrlx = "FALSE"
- return
- ;************************************************
- NoTimeout:
- set $fixtimeout = "d"
- timeout 0
- return
- SetupTimeout:
- set $fixtimeout = ""
- set $Timeouts = "0"
- timeout 60 gosub SendCTRLX
- return
- SendCTRLX:
- set $fixtimeout = "d"
- if $Timeouts == "2" then timeout 20 gosub Hung
- if $Timeouts == "2" then send "^Z"
- if $Timeouts == "1" then send $docmd
- if $Timeouts == "1" then set $Timeouts = "2"
- if $Timeouts == "0" then send "^Z"
- if $Timeouts == "0" then set $Timeouts = "1"
- return
- Hung:
- beep
- message "\nI think the board has hung."
- message "\nTurn off this script within 20 seconds to stop me from logging out !!"
- delay 20
- beep
- message "\nWARNING: Logout in progress.\n"
- hangup
- goto AllDone
- ;************************************************
- RenameGrab:
- set $rengrab = ""
- cli $THORPath"bin/ScriptServ \""$BBSName"\" RENAMEGRAB"
- cli "run >nil: sys:rexxc/rx 'address THOR.01 RESCAN'"
- return
- ;************************************************
- Startlogfile:
- if !exists $LogFile then write $LogFile "Messages from script:\n"
- write $LogFile "Error in event nr "$eventnr":\n"
- return
- ;************************************************
- ; Append a file to the en of the other.
- ; Uses variables:
- ; $appendsource - File to append.
- ; $appenddest - Destination.
- AppendFile:
- if !exists $appenddest then goto afNotExists
- cli "join >nil: \""$appenddest"\" \""$appendsource"\" TO \""$appenddest".tmp\""
- cli "delete >nil: \""$appenddest"\""
- cli "rename >nil: \""$appenddest".tmp\" \""$appenddest"\""
- cli "delete >nil: \""$appendsource"\""
- return
- afNotExists:
- cli "rename >nil: \""$appendsource"\" \""$appenddest"\""
- return
- ;************************************************
- ; Do a custom command
- ; Uses variables:
- ; $commandstring - Command to execute.
- CommandEvent:
- readvar $commandstring
- write $LogFile "Executing custom command:\n"
- set $docmd = $commandstring"\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- capture $LogFile
- gosub NoTimeout
- when "File Command" goto CmdEvDone
- when "Main Command" goto CmdEvDone
- when "Utility Command" goto CmdEvDone
- when "SYSOP Command" goto CmdEvDone
- when "SIGOP Command" goto CmdEvDone
- when "Misc Command" goto CmdEvDone
- wait "Read Command"
- CmdEvDone:
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- capture off
- write $LogFile "\n"
- set $done = "TRUE"
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- return
- ;************************************************
- ; Send user info
- ; Uses variables:
- ; $msgfile - file user info is in
- SendUserInfo:
- readvar $msgfile
- set $docmd = "U RES\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- wait "--7-"
- send "^KC"
- ascsend $Path$msgfile
- send "\w^Z"
- wait "Command"
- set $done = "TRUE"
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- return
- ;************************************************
- ; Set up BBS configuration
- ConfigureBBS:
- set $docmd = "U TE ANSI\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- set $docmd = "COL\n"
- set $cfgset = $UseColors
- gosub CfgEnable
- set $docmd = "ED FSE\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- set $docmd = "REV\n"
- set $cfgset = "y"
- gosub CfgEnable
- set $docmd = "T Z\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- set $docmd = "AF L\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- set $docmd = "U A\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- converse "street address" "^Z"$UserStreet"\n"
- converse "code and state" "^Z"$UserAddress"\n"
- if $UserPhone == "" then set $UserPhone = "-"
- converse "your phone number" "^Z"$UserPhone"\n"
- converse "date of birth" "\n"
- set $docmd = "R MODE Mark\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- wait "Command"
- set $done = "TRUE"
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- return
- CfgEnable:
- set $scfenabled = "n"
- when "enabled" set $scfenabled = "y"
- gosub DoCommand
- wait "Command"
- dlwhen
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- if !$scfenabled == $cfgset then gosub DoCommand
- return
- ;************************************************
- ; Set the autologoff flag.
- ; Uses variables:
- ; $boolean - Logoff (y/n)
- AutoLogOff:
- readvar $boolean
- set $AutoLogoff = "y"
- if $boolean == "0" then set $AutoLogoff = "n"
- set $done = "TRUE"
- return